Thursday, February 11, 2010

CliqSmart is a Fraud

I received an email from a person claiming the name Contador Wanarua Mwangi who purports to be a telecom entrepreneur co partnering a successful startup in the UK and Australia called "CliqSmart", which has a website at CliqSmart claims to be a partnership located in London, UK, which produces telecom applications under the name "CliqMobile" for resale to telecom carriers and which also owns an online shopping comparison site which helps online consumers search the online marketplace under the name of "CliqSites". Their website claims that "CliqMobile" has contracted with Samsung and Nokia to carry their product lines.

If you google "CliqSmart", or "CliqMobile", or "CliqSites", you will find only a few items on your results: the website along with various personal profiles for "Contador Wanarua Mwangi" under Facebook, Twitter, etc., and under, which highlights successful businesses in the North Sea area. No other information on the company, product lines or Contador Wanarua Mwangi exist.

I received email communication from Contador, or "Wanarua" as he asked to be called, on the social site Meetup.Com after joining a San Francisco based entrepreneur group. I am a business writing, producing proposals, marketing materials, business plans, etc., and so it was logical for me to join the group to network and seek business contacts. Within 24 hours after joining, Wanarua emailed me through the site, inquiring about what I do. I explained and eventually we worked out a deal where I would edit the text for his website,, which was in dire need of improvements, for my standard fee. Through the course of working out our business arrangements through email, Wanarua also asked me many, MANY, personal questions, stating that he liked the way my mind worked, as revealed through the emails, and that if I were single, he would like to get to know me better. I played it cool and told him decisively I couldn't make any decision about a relationship without meeting him, and asked him, as a successful entrepreneur, to make arrangements for us to meet, either in San Francisco where I am, or in London, where he purported to be. He evaded the meeting suggestion, but aggressively pursued the topic, and eventually offered a marriage proposal. I refused his offer on obvious grounds, and again asked him to make arrangements for us to meet, but again he evaded the topic. After completing the editing assignment, I asked for him to express mail me a check for my fee, and he agreed to, but it would take a few weeks to process. In the meantime, the topic of discussion shifted away from the editing assignment and the personal issues to some very strange offers, that he would give me a post on his advisory board and pay me to work as a business writer for CliqSmart. I refused that offer, and he made a second, that he would pay me a retainer to be a US point person for the company, and that I could secure venture capital for him on a commission. I refused this offer as well, and countered with a proposal to merely work on contract as a business writer on an as needed basis. He agreed to this, and asked me to start work right away, though I insisted that a contract would need to be put in place before I would start working for him. Eventually, he offered to pay me by wire transfer, and when this occurred, I knew that something was amiss, because of course I would have to provide my account number for a wire transfer to occur. all of these discussions, he insisted that decisions be made very, very quickly, within hours of him sending emails, putting me under a lot of pressure to decide about the various and sundry proposals he was continuously making and modifying, including various configurations for a personal relationship with me.

He also put me under a lot of pressure to engage in Skype conversations, but I insisted that he call me on my phone instead.

When he finally did call me on my phone, the number which came through was 25568255010. I looked up this number to check for a UK country code, and found that 255-68 is the international calling code for Mwana, Tanzania. I demanded an explanation, and he explained that he had a global roaming device through the Australian based telecom company Telstra, that this company does not use international calling codes, and that the number "2" proceeded a three digit registry code common in Australia, which in this case was the 556, which explained why it looked like a Tanzanian number, when in fact it was not. I then called Telstra to verify this, and Telstra looked up the number in several ways, concluding finally that it was not theirs, and that the account did not exist in their database.

Later, I was billed for this phone call on my end by AT&T, and the country it specified for the number was a mobile phone in Tanzania, Africa. This man is operating out of Tanzania, you can be sure of that.

I then sent an email to Samsung and Nokia, and received word back from Samsung that they have no contracts with any company called CliqSmart. I will try to post the email to this blog, and when I receive word back from Nokia, I will post that as well.

The long and short of this is that CliqSmart is not doing what the website says it does, does not have a product line, does not have an online shopping search website, does not have any contracts with Samsung or Nokia, and will try to get you to do work for them and/or give them venture capital. The people involved in this are operating out of Tanzania, and are crooks. Don't do business with them, don't talk to them, and don't answer their emails. They are tenacious, sly, crafty, and know that Americans in general, but especially women, can be easily manipulated into their trap.